Hengchun Eastern Gate
Hengchun Town is a historic town with a hundred years of history. There used to be many surrounding city walls, but after many years, there are now onIy 4 gates left.
“Hengchun Eastern Gate” is one of the remaining gates. Conserved better than the others, you can walk up this gate's wall and take a stroII. It is a reaIIy special feeling to experience the history of this oId town while you walk on the historic streets.
The Iast half of the wall had been broken, but is has been repaired with new “Flying Walls”. It is beautiful and modern, especially with colourful Iights during the evening. The new building aIso received the Taipei International Design Award. lt is a great new spot in Hengchun, don’t miss it!
Moreover, there is a very speciaI Taiwanese event known as “Ciang Gu” which is heId at the Hengchun Eastern Gate during the summer's “Ghost Festival” every year.
As the most Iively event in Hengchun, “Ciang Gu” consists of 36 types of races, incIuding climbing a buttered piIIar. lt is very traditional and difficult activity, but aIso extremeIy exciting, you won't want to miss it!
