Shuiwaku is located near Fengchuisha, it is a smaill village, most of people who live here make a living by raising the herbage, the scenery here is really beautiful, sometimes you can even find some wild deers on the grassland.
The meaning of Shuiwaku in Chinese is a lake with many frogs, actually there was a small lake in the village long time ago, usually you can heard the sounds of frogs all the year, but the lake is gone, now they are trying to restore the natural ecology.
Also, in Shuiwaku, there is a special tour-ecology tours, you can enjoy the nature and learn much interesting knowledge of here, I think it is a good idea to go with your family, don't forget to give it a try.
停留時間(分):深度(360), 一般(20), 趕場(5)
[標籤:防曬 生態 免費 ]