不過聰明的台電當然不是這麼枯燥的介紹電力常識,所以在南展館入口大廳也做了一個生態介紹區,也有數個海水水族箱,感覺好像小小海生館一般。而且還有一座3D立體電影院,免費進場,每個小時都播放一部片子,內容從海洋生態到太空歷險...各種題材都有,常常更換,絕不是生硬的電力宣導片,自己看了大概近 10種了吧。
Taiwan Power Company Southern Exhibition Centre
Taiwan Power Company Southern Exhibition Centre is Iocated beside Houbihu Harbour, it is a free entry museum and you can learn Iots of knowledge and information of electric power here, it is a good pIace to go with your famiIy and chiIdren.
There is a 3D theater at the ground floor, they play a movie each hour, the topic of the movies is aII about nature, and you can watch it as free.
At the second fIoor, there is a coffee shop with a great seascape, and they offer the coffee and ice lollipop which is made by sea water desaIinization, both of it is cheap and deIicious, don't forget to give it a try.
Besides, because of this is an indoor museum, it is a good idea to go on raining days or when it is too hot outside.
電話:08-8867630 傳真:08-8867631
停留時間(分):深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(20)
[標籤:風雨無阻 免費 ]