其實大尖山的海拔不過318公尺而已,只因四周地形過於低緩,因此才有鶴立雞群的感覺。由砂岩和頁岩礫石塊構成的大尖山,是地質長期侵蝕而後突露的結果。目前大尖山的登山口有兩處,從牧場出發,由東邊登頂來回約需1個半小時;由西邊登頂的話,則需2個半小時,均屬相當輕鬆的路程。登頂後整個恆春半島的景觀盡入眼底,一覽無遺。 不過目前已禁止攀爬,違者國家公園警察會處以罰款。
Da Jian Shan Ranch
There is a speciaI landmark in Kenting National Park - Da Jian Shan Mt., aIthough the meter above sea leveI of it is only 318, the lands around is much Iower, makes it look like very high, you can easily to see it no matter from Nanwan Bay or Eluanbi Lighthouse.
There are two entrances you can climb up to the mountain; from the east side, it takes about 1.5 hrs, from the west side, it takes about 2.5 hrs, you can enjoy the scenery of whole of Hengchun Peninsula from the top of the mountain.
Unfortunately, because it is too dangerous, now it is not aIIow to climb it.
停留時間(分):深度(240), 一般(20), 趕場(5)
[標籤:地標 ]