Dounyuan is located at the upper of Mudan Reservoir, it is a aborigine village of Paiwan.
ln summertime, there are full of Ginger Lily around here, it is really beautiful, you can aIso find some special Iocal food with Ginger Lily in the restaurants here, don't forget to give it a try.
There are two special spots that I think you should visit in Dounyuan: Kuqi Lake and Shuisang Meadow.
Kuqi Lake: Kuqi means Crying in Chinese, it means there are fuII of tears of their ancestors, it teIIs about how hard their ancestors built their own home before. The scenery around Kyqi Lake is beautiful, you can stroII along the Iake and enjoy the fresh air in the forest.
Shuisang Meadow: Shuisang means over the water in Chinese, it is a wetland, you can follow the tour guide and go into the wetland, it is really excited when you walk on the wetland, sometimes your feet might sink in the mud, but don't worry about it, the deepest depth is onIy 50cm, it is fun, and this place is getting popuIar recently.
(But for the aborigine of Paiwan, this place is actually a sacred pIace, it used to be a place to drive the ghost out, it is not allow to cultivate in Shuisang Meadow, and people can not go into there without Paiwan's Ieading.)
停留時間(分):深度(120), 一般(30), 趕場(10)
[標籤:生態 ]